Emotional Wellbeing

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CMN has consistently stressed the importance of mental and emotional health; it comprises the foundation of our treatments, which are centered on multi-dimensional care that targets more than just your physical health. This isn’t just because our doctors care about you as a whole; science shows that there are definite links between mental health and cancer care. 

Mental Health and the Cancer Connection:

What Studies Revealed

Mental health is most commonly defined as “the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally,” whereas CMN takes the definition a bit further.[1] We recognize mental and emotional health as fluid; that is, it is subject to change over time, especially during the cancer journey. Our experience as a specialized cancer treatment facility over the last 30 years, coupled with repeated scientific evidence, shows that proper mental and emotional care can greatly impact cancer treatment and healing.

For example, “several epidemiological studies have shown that social and emotional support can protect against premature mortality, prevent illness, and aid recovery. It is plausible that these could act by reducing emotional distress. Various different types of study have suggested that as important for health as income differentials is social capital—that is, features of social organization (civic participation, social trust) that facilitate cooperation for mutual benefit.”[2] This study found that positive social ties, referred to as social capital due to the investment one makes in their relationships, increase mental health and positive feelings. They can then be equated to a better picture of health, because invests in a social relationship and receive positive affirmations as well as feelings of love and support, they are more likely to report that they feel well than those who do not interact with others as often.  

Cancer is a non-discriminatory disease in regards to mental and emotional health; not only is the patient affected, but so are the loved ones that make up the patient’s cancer support community group. Studies have shown that this is rarely if ever, taken into account in traditional treatment programs, as “numerous cancer survivors and their caregivers report that cancer care providers did not understand their psychosocial needs, failed to recognize and adequately address depression and other symptoms of stress, were unaware of or did not refer them to available resources, and generally did not consider psychosocial support to be an integral part of quality cancer care.”[3] This is unacceptable. Regardless of a hospital’s treatment type, whether it be traditional or alternative, comprehensive care must be an absolute priority – this includes adequate mental and emotional support and treatments, ranging from open communication sessions to art therapy. When you are giving your all to fight cancer, you should be receiving as much support as possible. The right hospital will see all problems, regardless of if they are physical, mental, or emotional, the same and make the same effort to treat them; they will not belittle, ignore, or offset them. Your health is multi-dimensional and deserves to be treated with the highest levels of care, respect, and attention possible.

In continuation, “one of these studies examined the relationship between income differentials and responses to the question “Do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance?” in a representative survey. The collective response of communities to these questions predicted age-adjusted mortality rates better than the Robin Hood index, a well-validated measure of income differentials.” These findings are significant because they reveal how accurate social interactions and their subsequent influence on one’s emotional and mental wellbeing can be in predicting health. Those who felt that others would not take advantage of them, meaning that they had a positive, equal relationship with others, were more likely to live longer, healthier, well-rounded, and fulfilled lives. CMN takes research like this into consideration, as we allow our patients to bring a support person with them when they come to get treatment at our facility; we know how important your cancer support community is and make efforts to help you include them in your journey at your discretion: you can invite them to stay with you, or visit, or keep contact to written and verbal communication. 

How CMN is Different:

Incorporating Mental and Emotional Health

into our Treatment Programs

CMN has and always will stand by our patients. We value you and your opinions first and foremost; we believe in order to fight cancer, we must work as a team. Your health is our priority, and that includes your mental and emotional wellbeing. We have worked endlessly to provide cutting-edge treatments that fight cancer aggressively, but we understand that this is only part of the picture, so we incorporate mental and emotional treatments, workshops, and activities to stimulate healing and growth – on your own terms, at your own pace. We respect your privacy and the fact that each patient has different needs, desires, and goals. We vow to work with you; respect, communication, and teamwork are some of our fundamental values, and we keep these in mind with each activity we coordinate. At CMN, you have a voice and we honor that each and every day.

To Contact Us 

CMN Hospital provides alternative cancer treatment and is looking forward to helping you fight your cancer battle. We focus on healing the individual physically, mentally, and emotionally, making sure that the patient has a voice that is heard throughout the treatment process. We believe in quality every step of the way, and perform our services with integrity, respect, and class. At CMN, we strive to stay up to date on the latest research and are constantly making moves to ensure that our treatment plans not only reflect this whenever possible. We are ready to communicate with you! To contact us, email us at info@cmnact.com or click here to contact us at your convenience.

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[1]“Mental health.” Merriam-Webster.

[2]Stewart-Brown, Sarah. “Emotional wellbeing and its relation to health.” NCBI. 1998.

[3]Cancer Care for the Whole Patient: Meeting Psychosocial Health Needs.Ed. Nancy E. Adler. 2007.


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